Thursday, 3 December 2015

Trumpeters pigeon

This diverse group of breeds is showcased primarily for their odd vocalizations and calls, and is known as the “voice” pigeons. Some of the breeds sound trumpet-like, while others make drumming or laughing sounds, but all have sounds that differ from your average pigeon. Though their sounds are important, they’re also judged on looks. Some, like the Arabian trumpeter, look like a fairly standard pigeon. Others, like the Bokhara trumpeter, look like their head was chopped off and they squished another pigeon beneath their ostentatiously-feathered feet. (An English trumpeter is featured above.)
The Trumpeter breeds of fancy pigeon are so named because of their unique vocalizations which sound vaguely like low laughter. Wendell Levi describes this trumpeting vocalization in his book The Pigeon.[1] There are several domesticated varieties that possess this "trumpeting" ability to various degrees. Some of the more popular are:

English Trumpeter

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